Friday, March 21, 2008

Off to Hawaii

Molly and I are very excited about our upcoming trip. Molly just claimed that it was her first new place since our honeymoon in 2002. It's not totally accurate because we did go to South America in 2004.

So we leave tomorrow at 10 AM on Hawaiian Airlines. The flight is about 5 and a half hours long, direct from Portland. We're going to Maui for the full week (8 days, 7 nights). All in all we'll have about 6 and a half days of vacation. Not too bad, but I know it will feel too short.

For half of the week we're doing the West half of the island; mostly hitting the beach, and whatever else we can imagine up (bike ride down the volcano, snorkeling). The second half of the trip will be spend on the east side of the island. We have a little B&B there with a private "cabana" and hot-tub with views of the ocean. Its not too far from the entrance to the state park, so we're planning on doing some good hiking at least 1 of the days... more likely 2 days.

I'll take lots and lots of pictures and try to update the blog every day, but I can't promise anything, because I don't know about the internet situation.


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