Friday, October 3, 2008

I don't want "Joe Six-Pack" running our Country

I guess this isn't as obvious as I had previously thought. I've met "Joe Six-Pack"... and you know what? I don't want that guy running our country. I want somebody SO much more intelligent than "Joe Six-Pack". I am absolutely no slouch when it comes to intelligence, but I can assure you, I want somebody MUCH MORE INTELLIGENT THAN ME running our country.

Do you think that the average person in America knows enough about the idiosyncrasies of trade sanctions, federal reserve lending and international warfare? I know for a fact that I don't. And I guarantee that "Joe Six-Pack" doesn't either.

The last thing that I want to say about this topic is the following: In 2000, and 2004 we voted a president into office because a lot of "Joe Six-Pack"s thought it would be great to have a guy in office that they could see themselves drinking a beer with. How well did that work out? I think every "Joe Six-Pack" that voted for Bush for this reason should punch themselves in the face repeatedly until until they realize that they are too dumb to vote. Now if you voted for Bush for any other reason... like, for instance, based upon republican principals... well, I feel sorry for you because you got duped.


Josh Yoder said...

Say it ain't so, Josh! There you go again! You know, we got all these elite people running around with terrorists these days, you betcha! And don't get me started on the media. They don't ask about values and vision, they just want to ask about newspapers and Supreme Court decisions and experience. We have to fight the terrorists there so we don't fight them here. I have executive experience.

Josh Yoder said...

And another thing. Thought you might enjoy the musings of my new PSU political science professor, Russ Dondero. He has interesting comments about politics, but his take on the VP debate (especially at the end of the post) seemed pretty similar to what you were writing.