- 3pm - Ethnic Enrichment festival http://www.eeckc.org/
- 5pm - "Ice cream" social at St. John the Baptist Church in Kansas City, KS we normally arrive at around 5:30 or 6pm. http://www.kansastravel.org/stjohnthebaptistcatholicchurch.htm
- Tropic Thunder. http://www.tropicthunder.com/?gclid=CKiqts_NtpQCFQQiIgodq12LTg
Last year the movie began at around 9:30pm.
Why: Because our in our hearts we know that we can make our hearts scream just a little bit more
Jason is making T-Shirts with the above logo. Request them from him!
Who all is going? Are you a fan of delicious flavor? Are you a fan of laying your hard earned cash down in the attempt to win a sausage and/or case of beer? Do you, dear friend, like to drink a beer before noon? If you answered YES or NO to any of these questions, you should do whatever you possibly can to make it for the 5th ANNUAL Gluttony day. Ask Jason Phillips for additional details, directions, etc. I'm going to try very hard to make it this year... I've really dropped the ball the last few years, for obvious reasons.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to inform some people out there about a Gluttony day tradition that seems to have been COMPLETELY lost on many of you. And that tradition is, of course, the early-morning tang. Yes, before the beer, and the over-eating, passing out, gambling, over-eating, drinking and the movie comes the the reveille of Gluttony day. Gluttony Day sex is better than Christmas, your birthday, your half-birthday, your wife's/girlfriend's half birthday, St. Patrick's Day morning, Easter dinner, Flag Day and Bastille Day all wrapped up in one, in terms of the sexual gratification. It is, after all, GLUTTONY DAY. You pretty much get exactly what you want, within reason. Obviously if your partner's sexual fantasy is to not have sex, then you've got a problem, so establish these guidelines ahead of time if you think it will be an issue. So, whatever it is that you need to do to get those proverbial rocks off, DO IT. There only requirements are:
- Keep in mind that it is also your Partner's GLUTTONY DAY... so whatever he/she needs to do to get the same satisfaction should be honored. You may have to wheel and deal a day or two before hand to get everything set up and ready to go. (Yeah, go rent that Elmo costume, Chad)
- It must be legal in your state, county, principality, country etc.
- No alcoholic beverages can be consumed until both parties have finished (unless that's your fetish? I guess... weirdo)
- Be creative! Just ask yourself: "What would hedonism-bot do if he were not a robot?"
- Lastly, keep it fun, keep it exciting, and most importantly, KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES. I really don't want to hear about your weird sexual desires once I get a couple of beers in my belly, and a turkey-leg half in my mouth.
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