Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Update on fallen hiker
Read more here: Climber Sparks Rescue Effort
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Happy 60th Max!
I headed out and it took quite a while to get there (almost 3 1/2 hours!) but worth the drive. It was cloudy as I started and sprinkling, so of course I did not put on sunscreen, wear sunglasses, or a hat. I also thought I was only going to be gone a short while, as it was 52 degrees and I had nothing warmer on than my shorts and t-shirt. It quickly warmed and after climbing 1000 feet, it started getting sunny. Then, it was brightly sunny for the rest of the 5 hour climb. When will I ever learn that Oregon's weather is sunny whenever I don't put on sunscreen?
Anyway, half way up I ran into two people who took my first picture, then another couple who I climbed with, a portion of the way up, but I went further than they did. :) They also took my picture. I finished the climb by myself, only to discover that I was out of water. Luckily, I only had no water on the way down.
I met up with the couple a little after I got started and unfortunately, they were joined by a hysterical young man (about 18-20 years old). He said that he was coming down from the summit with his dad when they both fell. The dad hit his head on a rock and slid out of view as the young man tried to keep from falling himself. He had no phone or anything and continued hiking parallel to the mountain to try and find his dad. The couple had just called the search and rescue, but the young man would not go down and had no energy to go up (where I was earlier). I had not seen anyone, but didn't know to look for anyone either. The couple would go back where I had hiked and I would walk down the trail (where the two were supposed to climb down after the summit). I kept my eyes open, but saw no one. About 45 minutes later, I heard the search plane start flying over the mountain. I heard it all the way down (about 2 hours)
When I got to the bottom, I informed someone there at the campground that I saw no one on the trail and to let the sheriff know if they came by. I started to drive down the road and ran into the sheriff. He said that the plane spotted the man pretty far up the mountain and would be recovering him soon. The sheriff wasn't that helpful and didn't know if the man was ok or not. I am still waiting to hear.
What a horrific ordeal that young man had been through. I can only hope that his dad hit his head and was just unconscious, not dead. I'll write again if I can find out the details.
Anyway, it was an adventurous day. Enjoy the photos. Of course, they do not look nearly as impressive as in person. :)
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July 27th - Mt. Hood |
Guess who's wife lets them eat a triple with bacon from Gordys?
Highlights include:
Brittini, scary with fireworks
Lusitania - the best $14 firework EVER
Eating a Triple with BACON!
Being numb from the Asshole up
Enjoy the pics!
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7/4/08 - Cabins |
Nxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mountain
Of course, after the hike we enjoyed some fresh seafood at a local stand, then went wine tasting at the Dobbs tasting room and Bishop Creek.
Enjoy the pictures!
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6/22/08 - Neahkahnie Mountain |
Mid-June at Coyote Wall
After this hike, they found a book in a local store which features the best places in the Columbia River gorge for people to have sex outdoors.... the title? "Poking Around the Gorge". Nice!
Enjoy the pictures!
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6/17/08 - Coyote Wall Hike |
Camping near Mt. Saint Helens
On 6/13/08 Molly, Josh, Lindsey and I went camping up in Washington, in between Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Ranier. Mt. St. Helens was still under too much snow to even get near it (we were so close, we couldn't even see it). Mt. Ranier was open, and all of the pictures of the mountains are of Mt. Ranier. It is the mountain that you can see quite well from Seattle.
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Camping 6/13/08 - Mt. St. Helens |
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Bought a Hot Tub
Master Spa's Cape Cod Model
It was expensive, but I think very worth it. We've been dreaming of this day for so long that the cost is almost irrelevant.
Once again, I'd like to extend an invitation to anybody that would like to come and enjoy Portland. We have two extra bedrooms (one literally has a bed!) and tons of things to see and do around town.. and now a hot tub!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Molly's new Job
Molly DOES have a new job. As a wonderful credit to her: They aren't really hiring out here right now, because numbers have been low... lots of competition for just a few jobs. She took two interviews, each lasting 30 minutes or less and got two offers by the next morning.
She took a job in the Beaverton school district. The school is SOOOO close to our house (which partially why she chose it):
View Larger Map

- 3pm - Ethnic Enrichment festival http://www.eeckc.org/
- 5pm - "Ice cream" social at St. John the Baptist Church in Kansas City, KS we normally arrive at around 5:30 or 6pm. http://www.kansastravel.org/stjohnthebaptistcatholicchurch.htm
- Tropic Thunder. http://www.tropicthunder.com/?gclid=CKiqts_NtpQCFQQiIgodq12LTg
Last year the movie began at around 9:30pm.
Why: Because our in our hearts we know that we can make our hearts scream just a little bit more
Jason is making T-Shirts with the above logo. Request them from him!
Who all is going? Are you a fan of delicious flavor? Are you a fan of laying your hard earned cash down in the attempt to win a sausage and/or case of beer? Do you, dear friend, like to drink a beer before noon? If you answered YES or NO to any of these questions, you should do whatever you possibly can to make it for the 5th ANNUAL Gluttony day. Ask Jason Phillips for additional details, directions, etc. I'm going to try very hard to make it this year... I've really dropped the ball the last few years, for obvious reasons.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to inform some people out there about a Gluttony day tradition that seems to have been COMPLETELY lost on many of you. And that tradition is, of course, the early-morning tang. Yes, before the beer, and the over-eating, passing out, gambling, over-eating, drinking and the movie comes the the reveille of Gluttony day. Gluttony Day sex is better than Christmas, your birthday, your half-birthday, your wife's/girlfriend's half birthday, St. Patrick's Day morning, Easter dinner, Flag Day and Bastille Day all wrapped up in one, in terms of the sexual gratification. It is, after all, GLUTTONY DAY. You pretty much get exactly what you want, within reason. Obviously if your partner's sexual fantasy is to not have sex, then you've got a problem, so establish these guidelines ahead of time if you think it will be an issue. So, whatever it is that you need to do to get those proverbial rocks off, DO IT. There only requirements are:
- Keep in mind that it is also your Partner's GLUTTONY DAY... so whatever he/she needs to do to get the same satisfaction should be honored. You may have to wheel and deal a day or two before hand to get everything set up and ready to go. (Yeah, go rent that Elmo costume, Chad)
- It must be legal in your state, county, principality, country etc.
- No alcoholic beverages can be consumed until both parties have finished (unless that's your fetish? I guess... weirdo)
- Be creative! Just ask yourself: "What would hedonism-bot do if he were not a robot?"
- Lastly, keep it fun, keep it exciting, and most importantly, KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES. I really don't want to hear about your weird sexual desires once I get a couple of beers in my belly, and a turkey-leg half in my mouth.