Friday, February 1, 2008

Lazy weekend

Not much going on here at the Norris household this weekend... Molly is in Minnesota, and I'm planning on doing a little bit of work this weekend... advance some projects a little bit.

Tonight Josh (Yoder) and I bottled his Belgium White (Wit) beer. Its a nice color, smells terrible, but tastes great. We didn't get the original or final gravity that we were looking for, so I think it will end up being a little stronger than a kinderbeer, but not much more. Maybe 3.75% alcohol when its all said and done. But it is very tasty... the Coriander makes it a bit on the "strong" side. But it should mellow out nicely.

For me? Not much has been going on. Still trying to get back into the swing of things after being in KC for so long. It is nice to be home. Been doing those Sunday "hikes", then dinner with Lindsey and Josh. This week Molly had a snow day, so that was kind of fun for her. We've also been trying to get our garage cleaned out enough so we can get a freezer in there so we can starg kegging. We put up some more "ceiling" shelves (we have like a 20 ft ceiling in the garage). We also moved our trash cans out to the side yard. All that is left is to clear out just a little but more of the random clutter, then well have room for both molly's car (which has remained in the driveway since we've moded here) and a freezer.

That's been pretty much it. How has everyone else been?

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