Thursday, November 29, 2007


Up here in the pacific nortwest we had a great Thanksgiving. Molly made a 5lb turkey, infused with Guwerztraminer (its a sweet, german white wine), and we bought a honey baked ham. The turkey was a little better than the ham, oddly enough. We also had camebert mashed potatoes, which were great, rolls, 3 different pies (apple, pecan and pumpkin). We had our friends Lindz and Josh over, and had a great time. We also had a nice brunch with a egg caserole, ham and pluck-its. Yum!

That evening we broke out the Guitar Hero and Dance Dance revolution which recently
came out for the WII.

For those who don't know, Thanksgiving is a wino (or wineaux if you're french) weekend up here in portland. Many of the wineries that are never open otherwise are open that weekend (also memorial weekend)... so we did wine tasting on Friday and Saturday... took it easy on sunday. It was much, much fun.

The wednesday before thanksgiving I bottled my Hefewizen. It didn't quite reach its "recommeded" terminal gravity of 1.012... but it came down from 1.055 to 1.022. So I'm a little concerned that I somehow killed off the yeast 80% through the fermentation cycle... but I swear it hadn't bubbled in like 3-4 days when I decided to bottle. Worst-case scenario... I'll reopen all the bottles, pour into my ale-pail and add some more yeast for another 3-4 days then rebottle. It's been over a week, so I may just open a bottle and see if it is carbonating at all. Suggestions, fellow homebrewers?

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