Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Birthday Beer

I broke down. Decided, damn it, I'm having a birthday beer. And it was good...

Which one of the birthday 6 pack did I drink? Drum roll, please....

Yeah, the one with Marie's lovely visage on the top. The chocolate porter. Why, might you ask. I just don't know. It just seemed like the way to go at the time. Or maybe its because I've never had it, save the one time at the Royals game, where it was half warm, and *not quite* ready yet. I'm the kind of person who save's their favorite thing on the dinner plate for last. I know I love the others... especially that drunken dunkel (you will be last, my lovely, brown german frau!)

And, the answer to the Second Birthday Riddle, sent from Jason:

I only recieved one package as of yesterday. If you sent another, maybe it will be here today!


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