Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Molly joins the employed!

Well, I had a "coming to Jesus" talk with Molly here a couple of days ago about how she doesn't have a job yet, and how we would have a tough time making it without here at least having *some* job. She was upset about it... who could blame her? I know I wouldn't want to take some pizza delivery job at this point in my life/career. So yesterday she started applying to various jobs around town... the temp agency, papa john's, Kohls, a couple of grocery stores, Hollywood Video, etc. About halfway through the day, she got a call. Yep... right after we give up hope, she gets a call from the Lake Oswego school district. I don't know all of the details, but apparently one of their teachers backed out at the last possible second, leaving a 1st-2nd grade split class without a teacher. I'm betting that Molly is one of the few highly qualified teachers left in the area that could have taken that posistion. They interviewed 3 people (molly's interview was yesterday), and they offered her the job this morning, which she immediately accepted. Right now she is headed to her new school to look at her new classroom. Later today is the "benefits fair" and the "new teacher orientation".... yeah, like I said, last minute.

Nice thing is, Lake Oswego is the "Blue Valley" of Portland. It is a small district, but pretty elite, and it pays better than just about any other district here. So we got a little bump up. Nice! I don't know how Molly will like working with this population of students. Maybe she'll hate it, but she may love it, too.

At least she has a job. I may try to convince her to get the Papa John's job anyway :)


TeachingJensWay said...

Molly has her MASTERS degree.... even if she didn't get a job. I can't imagine she couldn't get a better job than pizza delivery. She's taught at K-State. Surely a local college or community college could have found a use for her expertise. Her master's is in reading, perhaps she could have gotten on with a website that publishes leveled books. All I know is that if I were Molly, and you told me to apply at Papa John's... I'd kick you in the junk.

Josh Norris said...

Sorry, I disagree. It's easy for an employed person with paychecks coming in to say something like that. Molly was, of course, going to get a job subbing. But that just isn't enough to afford our taxes and our mortgage. If we had waited until she found some other random job, which undoubtedly would take 2-3 weeks, and then a paycheck after that would take at least another 2 weeks, probably 4... we'd be bouncing checks before we even got her first paycheck. At this point it was mearly a case of 1. Get a job to make house payment or 2. Start selling off stocks until you find a job. The move just blasted through all of our reserves, so we were pushing our luck, as is. I wish she had been looking for those dignified jobs 6 weeks ago, but she wasn't, so the time for that had passed. She told me to butt out of it late July, and I didn't say a thing until the critical point.

Of course she would have been actively looking for better jobs... but we just didn't have enough time to wait until she found a good job. It would be much better to take a sh*t job and quit it later than to get our house forclosed on while waiting for a dignified job to pop up.

TeachingJensWay said...

Fair enough... I'm so glad she got a job though! Sounds like she's off to a good start!