Thursday, June 14, 2007

Old House Inspection

Hey gang. Our home buyers (David and Joelle) had our home inspected last night. I was so nervous. We've done a lot of things to the house, as you all are aware, and being amateurs when we started fixing it up, we were unsure how the inspection would actually go. We bought the house pretty much "AS IS", but we had it inspected anyway. There were so many things wrong with the house at the time, that it was pretty much a mute point. The appraiser at that time said that roof and the foundation were both great, but everything else pretty much sucked.

Anyway, back to last nights inspection... Of course there were things wrong with the house. The house is 40 years old. However the inspector gave it a 9/10 with 10 being the highest. The buyer said that he had never gotten anything over 7.5/10 on any house that he ever had inspected. Amazing. So, barring any major problems with their financing, we are good to go for our closing date of July 11th.

To help everyone remember the "good old days"... here are some of the pictures of our home before we moved in. Click below for the pics:

Old House (before)

And, for those of you who haven't seen the final product:

Old House (after)

We'll keep them there for posterity sake.

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